TK’s rantings

Me and mine, in my own words, such as they are

Have the synapses stopped firing? July 12, 2008

Filed under: Cats,kids,movies,teenagers — grrrarrrg @ 10:41 pm

A few evenings ago I picked up a movie to watch with the kids. It was their last night in town before going to California for a week, and I though it would be nice to have a “family night”. I even cooked. (For those of you that know me well, you know how often that happens.  It was nice to sit down together, eat and enjoy a movie. Plus, it was a rainy night, which also doesn’t happen that often. We were watching Natinal Treasure 2. Not Oscar worthy, but a nice, friendly family movie. At one point I went into the kitchen to put the leftovers away before they got icky (isn’t that such a girl word?…icky?) and when I got back into the living room, I asked “what did I miss?”, to which my teenaged son replied “I saw someone looking in the window, but I looked and it was just Spike”. (Spike is one of our cats, and he wanted in out of the rain.) The question, however, was about the MOVIE. What I had missed in the MOVIE whilst I was out of the room. I think once kids hit 14, the synapses are not just misfiring, but are not firing at all! What a dork! God, I love my kids! They are so funny!

Until next time…….